As part of COP2 we had a peer review session with me and three others, where we all gave each other feedback on our ideas. Below are the pages that were filled out for me.
I then filled out my own sheet after reading and receiving feedback from my peers, which was really helpful. They felt that the overall idea for the project was really clear and well thought out and could see a clear link between my theoretical ideas in my essay and my plans for my animation. This was really great to hear as I feel that this is one of the most important parts of the module, if they had no link the research would have been unsuccessful. I was also given the idea as a way of evaluating the effectiveness of the final animation to review people opinions to see if they understood without any context and this would prove the strength of it's message. They suggested that my idea of a black/plain lit background on the animation would work, however it might work better if I were to use a pastel baby colour or even a baby blanket from the charity shop to tie it all together a little more. I felt this was a great idea and I hadn't really considered the background to be a massive issue before, but after hearing this I will definitely go on the search for a blanket! Finally, Dan gave me the idea that to explore the subject from a more technical viewpoint that I should talk about the way that stop-motion is completely independent and as an animator you have to figure out and solve your own problems. Then comparing this to CG it differs as the program/software you use to animate actually solves most of the problems for you as well as using coding that someone else has made to create your animations, whereas stop-motion you literally create everything from scratch.
Overall, I found this crit really helpful as it gave me some new ideas that I hadn't previously thought of and these will help me to develop my idea further! I now have a plan that I am going to stick to and get on with before the hand in.
Thursday, 30 March 2017
Wednesday, 29 March 2017
Society - LECTURE
(Raymond Williams)
It's about sharing, humanity and freedom.
"You can spend 10% of your time doing things to help out fellow members of society then you are contributing to society. You are contributing to the bettering of the world"
Socially and Ecologically Responsible Design
This is what the first things first manifesto is all about.
How do we determine what is socially responsible?
What you need is a framework of ethics.
Ethical Theories
- Subject Relativism - there are no universal moral norms of right and wrong, all people decide right and wrongs for themselves, everyone does their own thing. (Here you don't have the concept of society)
- Cultural Relativism - the ethical theory that what’s right or wrong based on he place or time. (It claims to have some link to some social organisation but doesn't)
- Divine Command Theory - good actions are aligned with the will of God, bad actions are contrary to the will of God, the holy book helps make the decisions, ethics can be found in the holy book. (There are different interpretations of the ethics, this where it is flawed)
Kantianism (Deontological Ethics) - Duty based ethics
To act ethically you need to follow these two things and if you are then you know you're acting in an ethical way.
- Act only from moral rules that you can universalise (if everyone did it and it caused problems them it is not moral).
- Act so that you always treat both yourself and other people as ends in themselves, and never only as a means to an end. (If you use people for your own benefit)
Utilitarianism - If something generally makes the world a better place hen it's probably the right thing.
Social Contract Theory - The idea that there is a social contract between everyone in society, like a bond and that bond prevents us acting like savages. To be civilised we need to help each other, and work together. Without this we have anarchy.
Figured out that the best campaigns are those that make people feel like they are doing something ethical.
Wednesday, 22 March 2017
Technology - LECTURE
Technology, Digital Culture and Practice
Developing Research Proposals
- Start with what you already know
- Identify what you want to know more about
- Plan how you are going to find out
Start to define what it is, what the words are in the question and break them down.
Think about other definitions and other ways to look at it.
Jan Svankmayer - the way his whole career was based was on cost.
South Park - people who had their hands of fairly sophisticated technology were able to say something without needing a huge studio. (political free speech)
Animators are using technology in a new way, independently. Thanks to new technologies such as social media they are able to not only make it but distribute it without the need of a company.
Their idea and their practice evolves with the advancements of technology.
‘We shape out tools, and then our tools shape us’ - Marshall McLuhan 1911-1980
McLuhan believed that to fully grasp the impact of a new technology, one must examine figure (medium) and ground (context) together, since neither is completely intelligible without the other
Digital Culture
- A set of values, beliefs, opinions, skills and practices shared by regular users of digital media for production and distribution.
- A social phenomena of interrelated online and offline activities.
Principle Components of Digital Culture
- Participation - formal and informal online affiliations, connections, collaborations, expressions and networks.
- Remediation - new technology and media as a constant development remix of older media and the refashioning of old media to meet the demands of new technologies.
- Bricolage - the creation of products through available media, re-using existing artefacts, remixing, remaking, and redistributing through new-media distribution.
Wednesday, 15 March 2017
Culture - LECTURE
Theoretical enclycopedia about terms and their changing uses throughout history.
- Before C18th it is the tending natural growth
- C18th it is cultivated or civilised
- Human development
- Cultures in the plural, there is not just one shared culture
- Modern usage is that culture means music, art, literature, film ect.
Idea of Britishness is bringing civilisation, bringing culture to the uncultured.
Increase of inhomagisation of the world
It changes from people who live on the other side of the world into people knowing about everyone like a village and everyone would be interconnected.
Three problems of gobalisation:
- Sovereignty
- Accountability
- Identity
Cultural Imperiliasm
If the ‘global village’ is run with a certain set of values then it would not be so much an integrated community as an assimilated one.
Qualities of ‘authentic culture’
- Real
- European
- Multi-Dimensional
- Active consumption
- Individual creation
- Imagination
- Negation
- Autonomous
Proposal Writing & Research Questions - LECTURE
It's not about developing new knowledge it's about showing you understand the knowledge you are gathering.
- Refers to how you will find out what you are looking for
- Identifies who will be involved and how
- Specifies how you will turn source material in to evidence
- Considers how you will generate meaning from your evidence
- Blog should supply a critical journal into practice and theory
- The key difference is that you are driving it completely
Your proposal should focus on the development of a body of theoretical, contextual and practical research around an individually appropriate theme or subject relating to your selected question.
It should be based on the theories that will support you as a practitioner.
Research questions:
Politics, society, culture, history, technology and aesthetics
Explore the different questions and explore the one that will get you started.
Monday, 13 March 2017
Animation Artefact - Progress!
As I realise I don't have much time to create a full animation I have really been cracking on with this part of the module and after speaking to Richard about my idea he fully supports it and thinks it's simple yet effective, which is great news for me. So, with that comment I carried on planning my animation and I have began by drawing designs for baby Jack, below are all of my sketches and plans.

I thought it would be really fun to look at character design with plasticine and actually just made different faces with Newplast to experiment and it went really well! I thought it would be a fun activity to practice sculpting with the material as well have it as a material consideration as I had originally planned to use a felt puppet for this animation. Although, after playing around with plasticine I actually think it could work better as I am trying to make this animation as tactile as possible and when taking photos of my model you can really see the details and the errors, which just makes it even more charming and possibly more charming than felt!

I liked this face shape the best, however I felt the eyes were a little creepy and it reminded me of Coraline! So I decided to make them smaller and put a rough body onto it so that I could get a concept model before making the final thing.

More images of my concept model.

I really love how this has turned out and I think it really captures the handmade feel of stop-motion puppets! I don't want to overcomplicate my puppet as the plasticine can get very gooey when under lights and handling him so I feel like simple hands and feet like the ones above will work better and I can shape them back to as they are here quickly and effortlessly.
I also did some little animation tests to see how he would move and the clip is below.
Baby Testing - Stop Motion from Stacy Straub on Vimeo.
This little test took no time at all and I did it using my iPad at home, however it has helped me decide that I definitely want to use plasticine for this animation! My next steps are to create a wire armature to put inside the plasticine and it was hard the move the head of this character very much as I felt it was going to break off. I also need to design the little soft toy and iPad props used in the animation.

I thought it would be really fun to look at character design with plasticine and actually just made different faces with Newplast to experiment and it went really well! I thought it would be a fun activity to practice sculpting with the material as well have it as a material consideration as I had originally planned to use a felt puppet for this animation. Although, after playing around with plasticine I actually think it could work better as I am trying to make this animation as tactile as possible and when taking photos of my model you can really see the details and the errors, which just makes it even more charming and possibly more charming than felt!

I liked this face shape the best, however I felt the eyes were a little creepy and it reminded me of Coraline! So I decided to make them smaller and put a rough body onto it so that I could get a concept model before making the final thing.

More images of my concept model.

I really love how this has turned out and I think it really captures the handmade feel of stop-motion puppets! I don't want to overcomplicate my puppet as the plasticine can get very gooey when under lights and handling him so I feel like simple hands and feet like the ones above will work better and I can shape them back to as they are here quickly and effortlessly.
I also did some little animation tests to see how he would move and the clip is below.
Baby Testing - Stop Motion from Stacy Straub on Vimeo.
This little test took no time at all and I did it using my iPad at home, however it has helped me decide that I definitely want to use plasticine for this animation! My next steps are to create a wire armature to put inside the plasticine and it was hard the move the head of this character very much as I felt it was going to break off. I also need to design the little soft toy and iPad props used in the animation.
Friday, 3 March 2017
Animation Artefact - Initial Ideas and Planning
I decided to start as early as possible with my animated artefact for this COP2 module as I really want to create my own stop-motion animation in response to my research and investigation into the digital age and where stop-motion stands within this. My first thoughts were that I was going to create a character design that was digital and in puppet form and then compare them, however I felt this wasn't as beneficial as it would be to make an animation that could expand my knowledge on stop-motion and be something I could put on my showreel as I want to go into this part of the animation industry. Below are some of the ideas I came up with in a spider diagram to get me started.
So, my favourite idea was to create an idea around a child that is fed up with all his 'digital' toys and he doesn't really find them very fun or interesting. After sifting through them, tossing the digital gadgets and toys aside he comes to the bottom of the pile where he find a cute stuffed toy with one eye missing. This makes him extremely happy and he snuggles it before the scene ends. I loved this idea as I explore the ways that stop-motion makes animators feel like children again finding something in their adulthood that they loved to do as a child; play with toys and make them come to life. Even though this idea will require me to make a puppet and props, it's a really great opportunity for me to work on another stop-motion animation and get my skills evolving.
Below are some of the moodboards I have put together for this idea.
So, my favourite idea was to create an idea around a child that is fed up with all his 'digital' toys and he doesn't really find them very fun or interesting. After sifting through them, tossing the digital gadgets and toys aside he comes to the bottom of the pile where he find a cute stuffed toy with one eye missing. This makes him extremely happy and he snuggles it before the scene ends. I loved this idea as I explore the ways that stop-motion makes animators feel like children again finding something in their adulthood that they loved to do as a child; play with toys and make them come to life. Even though this idea will require me to make a puppet and props, it's a really great opportunity for me to work on another stop-motion animation and get my skills evolving.
Below are some of the moodboards I have put together for this idea.
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