Monday, 8 January 2018

Food Experiments

Food Experiments from Stacy Straub on Vimeo.

As part of my development within my practical side to my project, it became about the emotional reactions you can create with the use of materials, so the above animation tries to provoke these. I used food products and interacted them with found objects such as cutlery, a key ect. to see what audiences would think of them and conducted some questionnaires to see the kind of reactions I would get. As my essay focuses on tactility within stop-motion animation I felt it would be interesting to take something such as an orange, which has connotations of being sweet and soft and have it being attacked and pulled apart on screen to create dramatic effect. The responses I got mainly were that people felt uneasy when watching this animation and this suggested that my experiment was a success. I was heavily influenced by Jan Svankmajer's Dimensions of Dialogue, as Svankmajer manages to capture a somewhat disturbing feel within his animations. From creating this animation, it taught me a lot about the importance of sound as this helped to heighten the senses, as well as developing my skills as an animator in animating inanimate objects.

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