Next I glued an put together his body before I began with the needlefelting and as you can see compared to my hand he was very, very small. The main thing I struggle with was his arms and legs as there was so little foam to poke the wool into it was hard to get the arm to go together without the foam falling apart.

Eventually, after lots of struggling with tiny arms and a leg, he came out really well! I made a plasticine version before this as you can see in my animation tests, however he looks so much nicer in felt.
Next, I began making the tiny iPads and laptops. These again were very small, however they weren't as hard to craft. Below is a tiny iPad, I made quite a few of these.
Then I made some tiny laptops.
Here is some of the electronics with the bear, I did make a few more so that the pile would completely cover him for the animation.
Next, I had to get a background! Originally, I was going to get a baby blanket, but I felt this would be a waste as I would never use it again! So, I instead bought some microfibre tea towels, that are really soft looking and I found pink ones! So, I could use this in the future as well as for my animation. I tested the colours mainly pink with white stripes and white with pink stripes as these were the different patterns I had.
I decided on pink with white stripes was better as the white background seemed a bit off with the skin colour of the baby and the pink made him stand out more.
So, now with all my props made and background sourced, I am ready to animate!
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