Above is little Jack with his pile of electronics in the process of being animated. The main thing I struggled with, within this animation is the movement of the tea towel, because I wanted a completely tactile set I didn't realise the drawbacks this could have. I had only used a solid set before and not a material based one and there was lots of movement with it even though I wasn't actually touching it that much. I feel that this is one of the negatives you get with using this kind of background and the only thing I could really do would just to be really careful every time I leant on it. Even though there was movement, this is one of the main charms/flaws that happen within stop-motion, and one of the things I explored within my essay. So, when looking back at the footage and seeing these flaws it makes me think now that it could even contribute further to the ideas I explored in my essay and the message I am trying to convey within this animation. I am really happy with the way that the scenes have turned out and below is a little preview of one of the scenes. I can't show any moving footage yet as I have to export everything as an image sequence to then put together in Premiere to ensure I get high quality frames.

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